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Writer's pictureSamantha Haney

What to Include on Your Website to Drive Sales

So, you want to get more sales? You've done all the hard work to get your business off of the ground, your social media is vibing, there's interest in your service, or product - but there's no sales. Well, your problem may be your website!

With all the buzz around social media, many tend to lose sight of the most important component in their sales tool kit, their website. Think of your website as your main hub of your business, especially if your business is online vs a brick-and-mortar location. On your website your visitor should be able to learn more about you and your business, have their questions answered (or have easily accessible ways to ask questions), and ultimately make an informed decision on whether or not to purchase from you.

Part of my job is to help my clients design a functional website that is informative, easy to navigate, and conducive to sales. But how? Well, let's dive in!

1. Interest

The simplest way to examine why you aren't getting sales through your website is to first determine whether anyone is visiting your website at all. Use your analytics to see if, when, and how visitors are coming to your website.

How are you driving traffic to your website? This can be through social media, your email list, and events. The key is to first get your target audience thinking about your brand, the services your offer or the products you sell and ultimately having them visit your website to learn more and - hopefully, make a purchase!

After posting on social media, or sending out an email campaign, I like to come back to my client's website analytics and see if the particular post or email generated any interest to their website. If so, the next thing I look at is when did they visit, what pages they looked at, and how long they stayed on the site.

If a purchase wasn't made after they've visited the product/services page, then this would lead me to believe that there is a disconnect somewhere between the interest and the product that did not enable the visitor(s) to follow through. The interest was there, but the offer wasn't enticing enough. Which takes me into my next point.

2. Offer

Your offer is where you need to make sure your product or service stands out. Make sure that you clearly communicate what you're offering and how it can benefit your customers. Be specific about the features and benefits of your product or service and highlight any unique selling points that set you apart from your competitors.

Include multiple offers, if possible, for the same product or service. Some may want more or less of your original offer and not having enough choice or customizable options may be the make or break of their final decision.

However, you should, of course, always encourage "the more" of your offer with incentives such as a discount or free shipping, etc.

3. Process

You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to make a purchase. Ensure that your website and the purchasing process is user-friendly, simple, and straightforward.

For service-based businesses especially, it's important to outline your process to your potential customers front and center. There is a comfort in knowing what happens after each step is taken. A website visitor may be reluctant to proceed if they are unsure of what will happen after they click on a button or fill out a form.

Provide a clear map of your process and include visuals if possible.

4. Proof

There's proof in the pudding as they say. But what is the pudding made of? Having a recipe available may help a website visitor to buy the pudding in the first place. (I promise I'm getting to my point with all this talk of pudding.)

Simply put, use customer testimonials, reviews and case studies to showcase the value of your product or service. By providing social proof, you can build trust with potential customers and increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.

Think of your last purchase on Amazon or any other major retailor. Did you read the reviews of the product you were looking to purchase? Did the ratings or lack of aid in your decision to buy? Your potential customers or no different from you, they want proof of what they're getting, and they want to hear it from someone who isn't you.

In Conclusion

When designing your website be sure to focus on these four main points to increase the likelihood of sales. Remember, being active on social media is great, but ultimately social media is only a vehicle to getting your followers to your website. Your website still matters and what and how you present yourself and/or your products through these points is what leads to the website visitor's decision to buy or not to buy.

Disclaimer: This blog was written and/or provided by Samantha Haney Digital Marketing Manager. The information provided is based on personal and professional experience and/or advice. I do not guarantee that the methods provided in this blog will be successful for everyone. It is up to you, the reader, to decide how you choose to utilize the content provided in this blog. Samantha Haney Digital Marketing Manager is not responsible for any legal or negative repercussions you may face as a result of following the advice provided in this blog. We hope you enjoy this content and find it helpful, however, please note that you are responsible for how you choose to utilize this advice.

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